Hilda gets trapped

Mouse Hilda gets the fright of her life: Paul Cookiebrite set up a mousetrap on the café terrace, how dangerous! And it’s all Louis’ fault: He secretly ate some cookies and told his father that it must have been mice. What a mean thing to say! As Petronella and the Apple Stick Men try to get rid of the trap, the inevitable happens: Hilda falls right in and is promptly found by nosy Malina. Malina is over the moon about this "sweet mouse" and plays with it affectionately. Hilda enjoys the attention very much – until Malina announces to take Hilda home with her. Louis starts a rescue mission with Petronella and Leah. To stop Malina, it takes imagination, a good deal of magic – and help from Hilda. The mouse must come to trust Louis again and let herself fall into his arms.